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Thank you for visiting Benton & Sons Fabrication! It seems that your destination page does not exist. This might have happened for a variety fo reasons.

  • The page has changed. We always try to auto-forward any changed pages to their corresponding new page. But we're not perfect.
  • Our entire website was completely redesigned and launched anew in March, 2019. Strange things sometimes happen unintentionally during that process.
  • Typo? Maybe there was a typo in the URL you were trying to get to.
  • Perhaps a dinosaur ate the old page you were looking for.

Regardless, please use the menu above or below, or the search function (right side of top menu) to find what you're looking for. Or feel free to contact us so we can help you!

We appreciate your interest in working with our company and we are confident that our exceptional employees and capabilities will meet and exceed your expectations!

We hope you'll continue exploring our website to learn more about everything we offer, from our cool and quirky metal creatures yard art to our unmatched steel fabrication capabilities! You'll find everything you need in our menu above!